January 5, 2008

First few days of 2008

After Princess Wishes Ice Skating show that Auntie Amanda & Uncle Frank took the girls to.. we now have to perform stunts with them at home... As you can tell. Steve was a bit tired after all this exercise!

Auntie Flori's Birthday! Samantha stayed with us for a night! It is fun to have a 10 year old around the house :) She made these cupcakes for her mommy!

This is what Kailey looked like after her nap...

Still my sleeping beauty...

Is she still our baby!? :)

Ethan's like a brother to Ashley...

Kailey thinking she should become a Hindu...

Ok So she is really face painting... I never knew that was what ketchup was for!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love those pictures.I even like the ice slating one.Uncle steve is so funny when he looks so tired.