January 19, 2008

All about Ash..

Today, Ashley went to MCS to have a Kindergarten screening / readiness test done. I figured she should dress "academic"!
I asked Ashley what she did during her test. She said they asked the names of her family members. She did really well "Becky Yeung Lew, Kailey Madison Lew, Steven the monster Lew!"
She also told me she had to trace, cut, talk about a book, write the abc's, her name, hop, skip, catch a ball... I said "catch a ball?" Can you do that Ashley? She said.. I missed a few times.. but I caught it once!! hahaha! I'm not sure how ready Ashley is for Kindergarten! It is all in God's hands now!!! Doesn't she look so grown up here? I can cry!!!

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